I always emphasize how important is to have your breakfast in the morning to kick start your day. And I know it can be difficult especially for those of us who are busy and the last thing we want to think about is to make a healthy breakfast.

So I have decided to share with you some of my really easy make-ahead breakfast which you can prepare over the weekend and these will last you entire week.

1) Egg Muffin (mini quiche) - savory

1) 6 Whole eggs – 468cals
2) 5 slices of Chicken roll / Ham, finely sliced – 125cals
3) 50g of Kale – 17cals
4) 20g of grated Cheese – 73cals
5) 40g of carrots, finely sliced – 18cals
6) 1 tsp of olive oil – 40cals
Total Cals = 741 cals / Per serving = 123.5 cals

2) Overnight Oaty Yoghurt Parfait

1) ½ cup / 125g of Greek Yoghurt – 100Cals
2) 1/3 cup or 30g of Oats = 111cals
3) 2 tbsp of milk / 30ml = 13cals (soya milk)
4) 1 cup / 150g of Frozen berries / fresh fruits = 43.5cals
5) ½ tbsp / 6g Mixed Seeds = 33cals
Total Cals – 300.5Cals

3) Banana muffins – fruity


1. 2/3 cup or 60g of oats – 222cals
2. 2 medium very ripe bananas, mashed – 178cals
3. ½ cup or 243g of unsweetened applesauce – 328cals
4. 2 large eggs – 156Cals
5. ½ cup / 125g Greek Yoghurt – 100Cals
6. 1 tsp of Vanilla extract – 12cals
7. 1 tbsp of baking powder
8. ¼ tsp of baking soda
9. 45g of Whole Almond Nuts, coarsely chopped / Seeds / Dried Fruits – 259cals

Option: 1 scoop vanilla / chocolate protein powder / 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Total Cals – 1256 cals / 12 = 105cals per serving

4) Chewy Energy Bars (8 large bars)


1) 1 cup / 150g of Dates, pitted – 472cals (17dates)
2) 1 cup / 150g of Raisins / Other dried fruits – 549cals
3) 1 cup / 140g of whole Cashew Nuts / Other preferred Nuts – 812cals

Option: any seeds, chocolate chips, cocoa powder, ground cinnamon, lemon zest
Total Cals – 1833Cals / 10 = 183.3cals


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