By Joanna 29/10/2018 In
Workout With Me
Total Body HIIT


Are you ready for the 10,000 CALORIE Challenge in 30 Days?! Your goal is to burn 10,000 calories in 30 days. You're going to burn an average of 340 calories every single day through exercising! It's not difficult, it's very possible! Let's do this together!!

This workout is cardio base circuit to get your heart rate pumping and your muscles will be on fire. There will be a total of 3 circuits. The first circuit will focus on your lower body, second circuit focuses on upper body and the final circuit will work on your core! 


Circuit 1 - Lower Body

  1. Jump Squat with Toe Touch
  2. Lunge with Hop
  3. Burpee with high knees
  4. Kneel to Squat 


Circuit 2 – Upper Body

  1. Shoulder Tap Push-ups
  2. Plank Jacks with Knee Tucks
  3. Tricep dips
  4. Mountain Climbers


Circuit 3 – Core

  • V Tucks
  • Walking Plank to Spiderman
  • Groiners
  • Sprinter


Interval: 45secs Workout 15secs Rest

Sets: 2(per circuit)

Rest: 60 secs in between circuits

Total Workout Time: 30 mins

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