Sumo Squat with Side Bend

By Joanna 01/04/2017 In
Exercise Library
Lower Body
Low Impact


Equipment Needed:

Workout Type:
lower, strength, low impact, core

Body Focus:


• Stand tall with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly turned out. Place your hands just above your ears.
• Start to lower your body back as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees, pushing your body weight into your heels and hold the position.
• Bring your right elbow toward your right knee. Repeat on the left side and keep alternating side.

Useful Tips:
• Keep your chest up, back flat and look ahead.
• Avoid rounding your shoulders and back.
• Do not let your knees collapse to the inside or go over your toes.
• Aim on squeezing the obliques.

You should feel your:
• Glutes, hamstrings, quads, inner thighs, core and obliques.

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