Standing Side Leg Raise

By Joanna 01/04/2017 In
Exercise Library
Lower Body
Low Impact


Equipment Needed:

Workout Type:
lower, strength, low impact

Body Focus:


• Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, place right hand on the chair for support.
• Put all the weight in your left leg, keeping both legs straight, lift and extend your right leg out to the side, squeezing your outer thighs.
• Hold the pose and lower your right leg back to starting position and repeat.
• Complete the desired number of repetitions, then repeat the exercise by extending your left leg out to the left side.

Useful Tips:
• Do not swing your leg out in an attempt to gain momentum and accomplish the exercise.
• Do not let your body do any sort of twisting motion.
• Do not just let your leg fall down to the starting position. Engage your core and slowly lower your leg in a controlled manner.

You should feel your:
• Hamstrings, quads and outer thighs.

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