Single Leg Circle

By Joanna 01/04/2017 In
Exercise Library
Low Impact


Equipment Needed:

Workout Type:
Core conditioning, low impact

Body Focus:


• Lie flat on your back with your arms by your sides and your palms facing down, your legs straight in front of you, feet together.
• Next, raise your right foot off the ground to about a 45° angle. Keep your left foot in the same position.
• Swing your right foot in controlled circles clockwise. Aim to draw big circles.
• Repeat for a desired number of reps, reverse, going anti clockwise and lower your right foot to the starting position.
• Repeat on the left leg.

Useful Tips:
• Keep the movements slow and controlled.
• You should only lower your legs as far down as you can, within arching and lifting your lower back off the floor.
• Keep your abs constantly contracted throughout the exercise.
• Don’t hold your breath! Breathe as you move your legs.

You should feel your:
• Lower abs and hip flexors.

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